Friday 12 July 2013

Samosir Island I

Samosir is a small island in the middle of the lake and the lake it's self is in the middle of  the Northern Sumatra, one of the biggest island in the world and a part of Indonesian Archipelago. The island is very unique that created by the super volcanic eruption of mount Toba around 74.000 years ago. The volcanic eruption created the lake as known as Lake Toba and the nature formed the island in the middle of the lake, which is known as Samosir Island. The lake it's self sized around 100 kilometers in length and 30 kilometers in width and the island sized as 630 square kilometers. After the last eruption, it remains one active volcano that named as Pusuk Buhit. The Pusuk Buhit (top of hills) produces hot spring which is popular as tourism destination in this island, since the peoples believe that the hot spring can heal some diseases such as rheumatism, cold, muscle fatigue and skin diseases. This hot spring water is the truly SPA (Salus Par Aqum means healed by the water). Aek Rangat is the name of the village which is very potential for SPA investment destination.

There are still many venues of point view that have own beauty however most of them are still virgin or not managed well as tourism destination but they are awaiting for touching to be the tourism development area.


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